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Bill of materials

Bill of materials to various combinations of Edgemap related kits.

Edgemap with RPi 2W Zero

With this kit you are able to host World Map + World Terrain + limited amount of imagery on single MicroSD card. Edgemap running on Raspberry Pi 2W Zero creates hotspot and you can connect your mobile or laptop to it and use Edgemap user interface and exchange messages over Meshtastic (LORA) channel. Perfect light kit for initial testing but creates Wifi hotspot and is not suitable for RF hostile environments.

Pos Item Link Price Notes
1 Raspberry Pi Zero 2W RPi Offical Site $15
2 2.13“ display + case Waveshare $23
3 Micro-USB ↔ USB-A OTG Adapter
Option #1
RPi Offical Site $5
4 Micro-USB adapter cable
Option #2
Amazon $10 NOTE: If you choose to use LilyGo (pos 7) this might be handy cable.
5 Samsung 256 GB MicroSD Amazon $25
6 Meshtastic Radio Heltec (option #1) Heltec $20 NOTE: Without case and has USB-C
→ So not compatible with MicroUSB-MicroUSB cable
→ needs USB-A OTG adapter (pos 3)
7 Meshtastic Radio LilyGo (option #2) LilyGo $22 NOTE: Without case
Model: LILYGO Paxcounter TXCO

Edgemap with RPi 4

With this kit you are able to host World Map + World Terrain + limited amount of imagery on single MicroSD card. Edgemap running on Raspberry Pi 4 creates hotspot and you can connect your mobile or laptop to it and use Edgemap user interface and exchange messages over Meshtastic (LORA) channel. You can also use RPi 4 kit with wired Ethernet and disable Wifi completely. In which case RPi 4 is either DHCP client on your LAN or acts like DHCP server in you LAN - depending your use case. Perfect and more robust 'appliance kit' when you require wired Ethernet on RF denied environments.

Pos Item Link Price Notes
1 Raspberry Pi 4 RPi Offical Site $15
2 Samsung 256 GB MicroSD Amazon $25
3 Meshtastic Radio Heltec (option #1) Heltec $20 NOTE: Without case. With RPi 4 you need USB-A to USB-C cable.
4 Meshtastic Radio LilyGo (option #2) LilyGo $22 NOTE: Without case
Model: LILYGO Paxcounter TXCO
You need USB-A to MicroUSB cable.
4 Power supply for RPi4 RPi Offical Site $20 NOTE: RPi4 requires good amount of power and too weak power supply for RPi4 is number one problem with rasperrypi's

Meshtastic Radios

You can check official Meshtastic site for list of available radios. There is good amount of details and frequency area (US/EU) is one main difference on these models. I have experience of LilyGo and just recently Heltec V3 radios. I have created 3D printed case for my LilyGo boards and it mounts nicely on your laptop lid.

Software images and Maps

You can download my Open Source Edgemap from Github and burn it to MicroSD card. Please note that doing MicroSD card image + maps installation requires Linux computer since card uses EXT4 filesystems. You need to download full planet pmtiles from this page and optionally you can download full world Terrain from this link. Both of these files need to be copied to second partition on MicroSD after you burned initial image from github.

Note that copying these 100 GB's files to MicroSD requires patience but once it's done, they are fast to use.

edgemap/meshtasic_bom.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/04 06:14 by admin

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